University of Canberra - Indonesia Partnership

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Last week, we had a big guest in Canberra, as our Vice President of Indonesia visited Australia, and he also spent two days in Canberra. In addition, he brought some of his ministers such as Mrs. Mari Eka Pangestu, Mr. Agus Martowardoyo, Mr. Muhammad Nuh, and Mr. E. E. Mangindaan.

One of the big agenda discussed in the meeting between the Vice President and Australia's government was about bureaucracy reform in Australia and how it might be a good lesson for Indonesia.

The Vice President visit was very important to strengthen the relationship between Indonesia and Australia. Wahyu Setiyono, the lecturer at the faculty of business and government at the University of Canberra had a great plan. She, together with all business and government students from Indonesia initiated to hold a gathering with one of the member of delegation. In the event, she intends to have a discussion about the role of the University of Canberra in contributing to the bureaucracy reform in Indonesia.

For your information, here, we have a sufficient number of staffs and students conducting a research in public reforms. Thus, the partnership will bring a benefit for both parties. As a student from Indonesia, we are also very excited to contribute into the development of Indonesia.

The Gathering has succeeded in inviting Mr. Eddy Purwanto, a Deputy of Governance, Office of the Vice President. From University of Canberra, we had Professor Lawrence Pratchett, Dean of Faculty of Business & Government and Professor Mark Evans, Director of ANZSOG Institute of Governance. 

It was a great meeting, as we can share our research with Mr. Eddy Purwanto. Mr. Purwanto was very happy because some Indonesian students have a research related to the bureaucracy reform. Moreover, Mr. Purwanto also stressed that the partnership between Indonesia and University of Canberra can be developed stronger from now.



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