Video tips # 2 - Video Theme and Elements

Monday, January 31, 2011 0 comments

 Hi all,

Remember, the main theme of the video is "what is the best thing about the University of Canberra from your perspective?".

To get you started, here are some suggested elements to include in your video, but remember the aim is to creatively address the question.

  1. About University of Canberra (for example, the academic and social life, the community, the courses and faculties, the facilities and services)
  2. About Canberra
  3. About Australia
*Just an idea: For international students, if in the video you would like to talk in your own language, that is fine. But do use english subtitles:)

Video tips - Be careful of copyright infringement


How To Make Sure Your Video Does Not Infringe Someone Else's Copyrights

The way to ensure that your video doesn't infringe someone else's copyright is to use your skills and imagination to create something completely original. It could be as simple as taping some of your friends goofing around, and as complicated as filming your own short movie with a script, actors, and the whole works. If it's all yours, you never have to worry about the copyright—you own it! Make sure to follow the other guidelines in the terms of use, too.

Be sure that all components of your video are your original creation—even the audio portion. For example, if you use an audio track of a sound recording owned by a record label without that record label's permission, your video may be infringing the copyrights of others, and may be subject to removal.YouTube offers a library of authorized music to liven up your video. Try AudioSwap now!

(Reference: YouTube, Copyright Tips)

"What U C" Registration Form

Monday, January 24, 2011 0 comments

To register for the competition, please submit an online form here.

No partner? That's ok. By simply filling out the registration form, we will send you an email with suggestion on where to meet both international and domestic students. If you are happy to pair up with a student, let us know and we will try to help you:)

"What U C" YouTube Video Competition


Take part in our first ever YouTube video competition, "What U C", and great prizes. The top 5 selected videos will be eligible for screening at the award ceremony.
Prizes include:
  1. iPad for two students and video to be published on the UC website
  2. iPod Touch for two students
  3. iPod Nano for two students
  1. Create a team of two University of Canberra students, 1 international and 1 domestic (an international student is a holder of a student or temporary resident visa and is NOT an Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident).
  2. No Camera? No Worries! You can use a camera phone or digital camera.
  3. Tell your story in any way want. Be creative.
  4. Both member of the team needs to be on the video. You can use extras, but remember to ask for their permission first.
    Please use the consent form available from the link attached and send it back to us for records:
  5. Duration of the video should be between 1 to 3 minutes.
  6. Be positive and respectful in the way you tell your story. We reserve the right not to accept any videos which we deem inappropriate or offensive.

How to Enter?
  1. Before submitting the video, please fill in the online registration form and send it back to We will send you an acknowledgement email with a competition ID number. The ID number indicates that your team is eligible for the competition and may proceed to uploading the video. Deadline for registration is Week 4, Friday, 4 March 2011 (5pm).
  2. When editing your video, please make sure that it is in the right format (ie. QuickTime, .MOV, Windows, .AVI, or .MPG) For more info on YouTube video format, please visit:
  3. Remember to use the following tags on YouTube: What U C, Competition, University of Canberra, International, Student, Canberra, UC, Australia. For the category, select: Entertainment.
  4. Once you have uploaded the video on YouTube, please email the YouTube link of your video to: under the subject heading: What U C(and include the competition ID number). Deadline for uploading the video is Week 12, Wednesday, 20 April 2011 (5pm)
  5. Link your video to “The UC M&I” channel
    by creating a video response to the "What U C" Video Competition 2011.
 Good luck!

Welcome to Our New UC International Blog


This is the UC International blog.

Here, you are able to read postings related to the University of Canberra's international student experience.

You are also invited to post your comments and thoughts to improve your studying experience in UC.


UC International © 2011 | Designed by Bingo Cash, edited byChee Ching,University of Canberra